Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Clinton Kaine Platform has the most radical abortion plank ever!

The Clinton/Kaine Team is so proud of this but even tough most Americans are against taxpayer funded abortions and restrictions on when, they are pushing a really radical agenda.

The Democrat Party platform: 
  • Calls for appointing judges who “will protect a woman’s right to safe and legal abortion.”  (No blind justice here!)
  • Proposes overturning the Hyde Amendment, federal legislation that has prohibited federal funds from being used to directly pay for abortions since 1977.
  • Supports repeal of the “global gag rule” — which prevents non-governmental organizations that receive federal funding from promoting elective abortion in foreign countries — and the Helms Amendment — which stipulates that foreign assistance funds may not be used to perform or promote elective abortion.
  • Opposes efforts to withdraw federal funding from Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion provider.  (Another method to continue to have funds go back to the Democrat Party.)

Another reason why faithful Catholics should not elect, Clinton/Kaine.

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