Kaine’s talk before the Progressive National Baptist Convention, a 2.5-million-member, liberal black denomination, was sermon-like in its heavy religious message and cadence. It ended with the denomination’s president saying: “Give it up for Reverend Kaine!” and contained many scriptural references, tales of his work as a missionary and of praying with Hillary Clinton backstage at the Democratic National Convention.
The core of his talk was about the Biblical story of Job, who loses everything, which Kaine said is really about how people react to suffering and tough conditions, whether they blame the victim and past errors or instead commit more deeply to their faith, principles and moving forward.
However, there has not been one mention about the devastating effects that abortion has had on the African-American community! How African-Americans are still taken advantage by the Democrat Party! No mention of how home ownership is at the lowest level in 51 years -- and you cannot attribute all of it to racism. Not one mention of the devastating effects of black-on-black crime and what all churches can do to help stop it!
Just another reason not to vote for Clinton/Kaine.
H/T to Deacon Greg Kandra.